Madison Heights High School Class of 1966
Classmates who served our
country in the US Armed Forces
The MHHS Class of 1966 honors:
6 classmates who died in Vietnam, or while in military service or as a result of service in Vietnam
9 classmates who had career service in the US Military
(approximately 55% of the male classmates in
the MHHS Class of 1966
served in the US Military during the
Vietnam Era)
Special Honor Roll
Classmates who died serving or as a result of serving their country
Ed Peters, U S Marine Corps
Ray Markham, U S Navy
Allan Roy, U S Marine Corps
Larry Platt, U S Army
Sandra Williams, U S Air Force
Richard Moore, U S Army
Honor Roll
Charles Burke U S Navy, 1966-1972, Navy Hospital Corpsman, served in
Vietnam, Purple Heart U S Navy, 1982-2005, Surface Warfare Officer, retired as
Gregg Clymer Career Military U S Air Force
1971-1992, Instructor Pilot/Current Operations Officer Aircraft types: WC/HC-130 Mission:
Weather Reconnaissance, Search & Rescue, Special Operations
David Jarrett Career Military
U S Army 1980-2009, Medical Advisor/Trainer service in El Salvador during their Civil War
Final assignments were in the Washington, DC area as a senior officer and flight surgeon
in the Chemical, Radiological and Nuclear Defense programs. retired as Colonel
Bob Utterback Career Military
U S Navy served in Vietnam
Intelligence Officer, stationed in Long Beach, Pearl Harbor, Denver, Rota, Spain
Washington DC, Norfolk, Monterrey, Munich, Germany, San Diego retired as Captain
Paul Looper
U S Navy Reserve / Chaplain U S Army Career Military
6 yrs U S Navy Reserve with 16 months active naval service with service in Vietnam
21 years U S Army Chaplain, retired as Lt. Col.
served at various US locations plus overseas assignments in Korea and Germany
Don Platt
Career Military U S Navy
23 years service
James Evans
U S Army Career Military
Gerald Peeters
U S Navy Career Military
34 years
Tim Moran
U S Navy Career Military
David Addington
Ed Akers
U S Army Reserve
Sam Alberts
U S Army,
101st Artillery Div., Served in
Dan Barker
U S Navy
Mike Bassemer
U S Air Force
Larry Bickel
U S Navy
Jerry Brake
U S Army
Rick Brow
U S Naval Reserve
Mike Brown
U S Army
Ted Campbell
U S Army
Airborne Rangers, Long Range Recon, Air Medal, 3 Commendation Medals, Bronze Star
Bill Carter
U S National Guard
Steve Carter
U S Army
Jan Claus
U S Navy 1967-73
Roy Cooley
U S Army
Bob Cooper
U S Army Signal Corp, Served in Vietnam
Larry Dippel
U S Army 1969-1971
Ted Dodge
U S Air Force
David Doub
U S Army, Served in
John Downs
U S Army
Rick Eddy
U S Naval Reserve
Cindie Fisher Sprecker
U S Navy 1967-68 stationed Jacksonville, FL
Gil Ganger
U S Navy
Ruben Garcia
U S Army
Tony Gates
U S Army
Jim Gerkin
U S National Guard
Dennis Giddens
U S Marine Corps 1967-1971, Served in
Alton Gore
U S Army
John Gunst
U S Army
Robert Harp
U S Air Force
Dan Harrell
U S Air Force
William Helvie
U S Army
James Hosier
U S National Guard
Thomas Hughes
U S Air Force
Brian Hurst
U S Army
Mark Imel
U S Air Force
Ed Kalisz served in Vietnam
U S Army
Dewayne King
U S Air Force
Kenny A Lawson
U S Army
David Lewellen
U S Army
Dave Lindley
U S Army
Russell Lindzy
U S Navy
John Lipe
U S Army
Mark McCord
U S Army
Craig McEhloe
U S Navy
Michael Mehagan
U S Navy Submarine Service, 1968-1972
Michael Modlin
U S Air Force
Paul Morgan
U S Naval Reserve
Keith Oliver
U S Army
Jay Oster
U S Navy
Dale Perkins
U S Navy
David Pershing
U S Public Health Service, 1970-1973
Jim Phillips
U S Army
Wayne Pickering
U S Air Force served in Vietnam
Larry Reddin
U S Marine Corps
Curt Ruggles
U S Army Served in Vietnam
David Sell
U S Air Force - Cannon AFB NM
Don Sheets
U S Army
Phil Sokol
U S Army
Skip Stanley
U S Navy
Jack Stepp
U S Army
Larry Stopher
U S Army
Mike Tatman
U S Army
Richard Thacker
U S Army,
Served in
Roy Thomas
U S Navy
Fred Vail
U S Air Force
Mike Vaughn
U S Marine Corps
Mike Wainscott
U S Air Force
Brad Willoughby
U S Army
Email any additional information on military service to the reunion committee so that we can include it on this honor roll.
Class of 1966 Military Service Video
Madison Heights graduates killed in Vietnam and listed on the Vietnam Memorial
Richard Thomas Mills Tommie Joe Campbell David George Hutchings Raymond Paul Markham Larry Dean Platt
Copyright © 2008-2019 [Madison Heights High School Class of 1966
Reunion Committee]. All rights reserved.