Madison Heights High School Class of 1966
2024 Reunion (58th)
Class of 1966 58th Reunion Group Photo
use cursor over face to identify
MHHS Memorabilia
Lost Classmates
Saturday Night at Edge Pub and Dining Gregg Clymer Master of Ceremonies
Lynn Bayer, Carole Wells
Beth and Rich Griner, Steve and Cheryl Hubble, Lynn Hecht
Jane Gaylor, Jane's husband, Phyllis Soales and husband John Fisher
Sharon Pursley, Jane Gaylor, Jane's husband, Phyllis Soales
Becky Orebaugh, Ken Dickman, Sharon Pursley
Jeannie Reasoner, Rebecca Orebaugh and husband Roger, Ken Dickman
Ted Campbell and Alice, Nancy Skinner, Dennis Giddens
Greg McElhoe, Ted Campbell and Alice
Shelia Kane Sokol, Larry Reddin, Gregg Clymer, Rick Brow, Bob Williams , Gary Pence
Cheryl Lawhon, Carolyn Sue French, Ed Kalisz and wife Nancy
Cheryl Dailey, Pam Aynes, Donna McLaughlin, Joyce Morgan
Cheryl Hubble, Lynn Hecht, Ted Campbell, Karla Wilkinson, John Eastman
Cheryl Hubble, Lynn Hecht, Karla Wilkinson
DeWayne King and wife, Bucky Sheets and wife
Karla Wilkinson, John Eastman, Marge and Phil Vickers
Pam Gouker, Penny Hunt and husband, Linde Thomas, Ted Campbell, Jim Evans, Lynn Bayer, Tom Miller
Friday Night at Blaze
Friday night at Blaze
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School Class of 1966 Reunion Committee] All rights reserved.